الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013

كل عام وأنتم بخير جميعاْ   اللهم أجعله سنه سعيده علينا جميعا يارب العالمين

Happy New Year for 2014!

السبت، 21 ديسمبر 2013

ستعيش مره واحده علي هذه  الارض

(1)  اذا أخطأت فعليك بالاعتزار 

(2) واذا فرحت فعبر عن فرحتك بعدم التجريح للاْخريين

(3) لا تكن معقداْ 

(4) لاتكره ولا تحسد ولاتحقد 

حوده النوبي

الفرق بين ( زمـــان و الاْن )

زمان كان المطبخ فيه دولاب واحد وفيه كل المواعين، ويطبخوا ليل نهار..!!
والآن البيت فيه مطبخين والأكل يطلبوه من السوق !!
زمان كان البيت فيه 10 أولاد وبنات ومتربيين أحسن تربية !!
والآن البيت فيه بس ولد وبنت وجاييبين المرض ﻷمهم وأبوهم!!!
زمان كانت الناس تنام أريح نومه على اﻷرض !!
والآن الفراش قيمته بالشئ الفلاني و لا يناموا مرتاحين وكوابيس طول الليل !!
زمان كان البيت فيه تلفزيون واحد وقناة واحدة ونعرف أخبار الدنيا !!
والآن كل غرفة فيها تلفزيون وألف قناة ولا حد يعرف عن الثاني حاجة والاعلام كله كذب فى كذب !!
زمان كانش حد يعرف حاجة عن الصحة واللياقة البدنية، وكنا أصحاء وفي أفضل لياقة بدنية!!
والآن الكل يتكلم عن الصحة والرياضة ، وثلاثة أرباع الناس مريضة وتعبانة
زمان كانوا يدرسوا ويتعبوا ويطلع عينهم على لمبة جاز .. ويفرحوا بالشهادة !! ﻻحفلات نجاح وﻻ هدايا ومبسوطين
والآن اﻷم واﻷب يذاكرو للعيال، ويجيبوا لهم مدرسين خصوصيين ويطلعوا مش فاهمين حاجة والكل ناجح ناجح وتعالوا شوفوا الهدايا والحفلات
زمان كان البيت فيه صالة ومطبخ وغرفتين وكان البيت مفتوح للكل!!!
واﻵن مساحات وليفنج وصالونات وإذا أحد فكر يزور أحد لازم بموعد وتبقى القعدة كلها رسميات!!!
الزمان لم يتغير إنما النفوس تغيرت

الجمعة، 2 أغسطس 2013

أكد د.محمد الجوادي - المؤرخ والمفكر السياسي -
أن المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة رفض فض الإعتصامات بالقوة في حين قبلت أغلبية الحكومة "المدنية" وألحت في فض الإعتصام بالقوة مهما كانت النتيجة ولهذا السبب سحب الجيش قواته من الشوارع.
وأعرب الجوادي عن أسفه العميق من هذا الموقف من حكومة الانقلاب التي لا تتورع عن الخوض في دماء المصريين.
وقال الجوادي في لقاء له مع شبكة الجزيرة أناشد الحكومة وأنا أعرف ثلثيها أن ترجع عن القرار، وأناشد كل من لديه كلمة لدى الحكومة أن يطالبها بالتراجع.

السبت، 27 يوليو 2013

هاااااااااااااااااااااااااام وعااااااااااااااااااااااااااجل
الدكتوره باكينام الشرقاوى تكشف كواليس الانقلاب العسكرى
تقول باكينام الشرقاوي: السبب الحقيقي وراء الإنقلاب على الرئيس هو 3 قرارات سيادية اتخذها الرئيس كأول خطوات سيادية ثورية لتطهير مؤسسات الدولة .

القرار الأول :
احالة 6000 آلاف قاضي فوق الـ 60 سنة للمعاش المبكر واستغلال الفائض في ميزانية وزارة العدل بعد هذه الخطوة لإدخال دماء جديدة في النيابة العامة، وقد تقرر بناء عليه تعين 12000 معاون نيابة من اوائل خريجي كليات الحقوق دفعات 2007 - 2012 مع تسريع حركة الترقيات للتعويض عن القضاة المحالين للمعاش المبكر .

أما القرار الثاني :
احالة 5000 من رتبة عقيد ولواء من القيادات الشرطية إلى المعاش المبكر مع انشاء جهاز جديد في وزارة الداخلية لمراجعة وتقييم ملفات فترة خدمتهم، وتعويض العجز بـ 15000 ملازم اول من العاطلين من خريجي كليات الحقوق على مستوى الجمهورية مع تسريع حركة الترقيات في وزارة الداخلية من أجل تعويض النقص في الرتب العليا.
والقرار الثالث:
هو الغاء تسجيل جميع المسجلين خطر في جميع أقسام الجمهورية وعدم تسجيل اي مسجل خطر الا بناء على واقعة حديثة وبناء على أمر ضبط من النيابة ابتداءا من 10-08-2013، وذلك لإعصاء الفرصة لهؤلاء المواطنين البسطاء لبدأ حياة جديدة والحؤول دون استاخدمهم لأعمال البلطجة من قبل قيادات الداخلية

الكاتب و المحلل السياسي : هاني الأرجوندي
لماذا فشل حشد السيسي اليوم ؟
1: لأن كل المكتسبات التي حدثت في عهد مرسي تم الغائها كزيادة المعاشات اضافة الي العلاوة اضافة الي الغاء قرار مرسي باسقاط ديون الفلاحين
2: زيادة جنونية في الأسعار بعد الانقلاب . عودة رغيف الخبز لأسوء حالاته وعدم وصول التموين الي 60 % من مستحقيه
3: عودة الشرطة للقمع والاهانة والتعامل الغير أدمي مع الشعب بعد الانقلاب مباشرة
4: خوف كثير من المسيحيين من التضحية بهم لالصاق التهمة بالاخوان ومؤيدي الشرعية لايجاد الحجة لفض الميادين المؤيدة
5: خوف كثير من الفتيات والسيدات من عمليات الاغتصاب والتحرش الممنهجة داخل التحرير .
6: كثرة ترويج الاعلام للعنف والصاقه بالاخوان والتيارات الاسلامية جائت بنتيجة عكسية حيث عملت علي ترسيخ قناعة لدي فئات من الشعب باحتمالية قيام بعمليات ارهابية داخل التحرير .
7: رفض فئات كثيرة من الشعب فكرة السيسي للترويج للحرب الأهلية رغم اختلافهم مع الاخوان
8: اكتشاف فئات من الشعب أنهم خدعوا بثورة زائفة واتضح لهم أنها انقلاب عسكري
الرئيس الانقلابي المصري عدلي خسيس منصور يطلب اعفاءه من منصبه للمره الثانيه والمجلس العسكري  يرفض 
80 عاما تخدعونا أيها الإخوان
أين مليشيات
أين الأسلحة والدبابات والصواريخ
أين تنظيماتكم السرية
الله يسامحكم أيها الإعلام الكاذب
نقتلهم ولا حول لهم ولا قوة
لا يستطيعون الرد
لا يملكون إلا صدور عارية
المتحدث الاسرائيلى فى أحداث غزة 2008 :"نقل الجزيرة المباشر للقتلى والجرحى بصفة مستمرة لا يساعد مطلقا على تهدئة الأوضاع"

متحدث جبهة الانقاذ خالد داوود فى أحداث رابعة 2013: "نقل الجزيرة المباشر للقتلى والجرحى بصفة مستمرة لا يساعد مطلقا على تهدئة الأوضاع"
المذيعة سها النقاش :

تعلن انشقاقها

أعلنت إعلامية بقناة النيل للأخبار التابعة للتلفزيون المصري الرسمي انشقاقها؛ لتعمده إخفاء الحقيقة.

وقالت المذيعة سها النقاش (فيس بوك): "أعلن أنا سها النقاش المذيعة بقناة النيل للأخبار التابعة لاتحاد الإذاعة والتلفزيون أنني أتبرأ من المسئولية عن المحتوى الإخباري المقدم من خلال نشرات الأخبار في الساعات الأولى من صباح السبت 18 رمضان (الثانية والرابعة والسادسة صباحًا)، والذي يقتضي عملي تقديمه للمشاهدين على الشاشة؛ حيث لم تتوفر لهذا المحتوى الإخباري الحد الأدنى من الدقة أو التوازن أو المهنية الذي يكفل تقديم قدر كاف من المعلومات يعتمد عليه، تقدمه قناة مصرية عامة عن أحداث تقع على أرض مصر".

وأضافت: "وأنا إذ يحزنني كثيرًا أن أتبرأ من محتوى إخباري يقدم على شاشة قناة النيل للأخبار، القناة التلفزيونية المصرية الوحيدة التي تقدم الأخبار على مدار 24 ساعة".

وشددت الإعلامية المنشقة عن التلفزيون التابع لحكومة الانقلاب: "اليوم وبينما تمر مصر بمحنة يلعب فيها الإعلام دورًا حاسمًا، وددت أن يكون إعلاني هذا نداءً ينبه إلى الاحتياج الملح - الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى - لأنْ يكون في مصر إعلام إخباري يوفر القدر الضروري من المعلومات للمشاهد بأكبر قدر من المهنية والتوازن، مستمدًا أولوياته من المصلحة الوطنية العليا لمصر".
مبروك لكل من اعطي تفويض بالقتل :  الي المجرم القاتل السيسي الخائن العميل
كسبت نهر من الدماء سيظل في رقبتك الي يوم الدين
الدكتور سليم العوا يؤكد أن الرئيس الشرعي لمصر هو محمد مرسي والرئيس المؤقت ليس له أي وضع قانوني

أيه رأيكم في د . محمد سليم العوا هل هو رجل وطني 
أم كما يقول البعض اته رجل العسكر التقيل

الخميس، 20 يونيو 2013

البروفيسور فان سرتيما Van Sertima استاذ الحضارات الافريقية و التاريخ بجامعة روتجرز الامريكية
الحضارة النوبية ترجع الى 17000 سنة اقدم حضارة افريقية و النوبيون اول من اوجدوا الحضارة فى العالم و التى تعتبر اقدم من الحضارة المصرية ..... 
ذكر ذلك فى كتابة ( Egypt revisited )

The History of Nubian civilization extends back to abouit 17,000 years (See Van Sertima: Egypt Revisited)
The Nubians created the world's first civilization and that civilization was much older than Egypt. In fact, 

الثلاثاء، 18 يونيو 2013

Kings returning returning no matter how long

The only difference between them and the rest of the Egyptians, they are not considered Egypt their mother, but the eldest daughter and the girl who grew up on their hands and when I grew up turning its back to their parents and grandparents Nubians to evade them and their history. Nubian people of Egypt that took them time after that they were kings, turned to the class the most marginalized and ignored by successive governments
الملوك عائدون عائدون مهما طال

الفارق الوحيد بينهم وبين باقى المصريين أنهم لا يعدون مصر أمهم إنما الابنة الكبرى والطفلة التي تربت على أيديهم وعندما كبرت أدارت ظهرها إلى آبائها وأجدادها النوبيين لتتنصل منهم ومن تاريخهم. النوبيون أهل مصر الذي دار عليهم الزمن فبعد أن كانوا ملوكا ،تحولوا إلى الفئة الأكثر تهميشا وتجاهلا من الحكومات المتعاقبة

السبت، 4 مايو 2013

في عهد عمر بن الخطاب جاء ثلاثة أشخاص ممسكين بشاب وقالوا يا أمير المؤمنين نريد منك أن تقتص لنا من هذا الرجل فقد قتل والدنا
قال عمر بن الخطاب: لماذا قتلته؟
قال الرجل : إني راعى ابل وماعز.. واحد جمالي أكل شجره من أرض أبوهم فضربه أبوهم بحجر ف
مات فامسكت نفس الحجر وضربت ابوهم به فمات
قال عمر بن الخطاب : إذا سأقيم عليك الحد
قال الرجل : أمهلني ثلاثة أيام فقد مات أبي وترك لي كنزاً أنا وأخي الصغير فإذا قتلتني ضاع الكنز وضاع أخي من بعدي
فقال عمر بن الخطاب: ومن يضمنك
فنظر الرجل في وجوه الناس فقال هذا الرجل
فقال عمر بن الخطاب : يا أبا ذر هل تضمن هذا الرجل
فقال أبو ذر : نعم يا أمير المؤمنين
فقال عمر بن الخطاب : إنك لا تعرفه وأن هرب أقمت عليك الحد
فقال أبو ذر أنا أضمنه يا أمير المؤمنين
ورحل الرجل ومر اليوم الأول والثاني والثالث وكل الناس كانت قلقله على أبو ذر حتى لا يقام عليه الحد وقبل صلاة المغرب بقليل جاء الرجل وهو يلهث وقد أشتد عليه التعب والإرهاق و وقف بين يدي أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب
قال الرجل : لقد سلمت الكنز وأخي لأخواله وأنا تحت يدك لتقيم علي الحد
فاستغرب عمر بن الخطاب وقال : ما الذي أرجعك كان ممكن أن تهرب ؟؟
فقال الرجل : خشيت أن يقال لقد ذهب الوفاء بالعهد من الناس
فسأل عمر بن الخطاب أبو ذر لماذا ضمنته ؟؟؟
فقال أبو ذر : خشيت أن يقال لقد ذهب الخير من الناس
فتأثر أولاد القتيل
فقالوا لقد عفونا عنه
فقال عمر بن الخطاب : لماذا ؟
فقالوا نخشى أن يقال لقد ذهب العفو من الناس
وأما انا
فنشرتها لكي لايقال ذهبت دعوة الخير من الناس

الاثنين، 29 أبريل 2013

صعود نادي غرب سهيل الي الممتاز ب

فى وسط اجواء من الافراح والاحتفالات العرمة صعد فريق غرب سهيل الى القسم الثانى من الممتاز ب بعد فوزه الكبير والعريض على نادى شبان اسنا فى وسط 4الف متفرج من جماهير غرب سهيل والنوبة وبعد المباراة قامت فرقة غرب سهيل الفن الشعبية بتحية الفريق والجماهير الكبيرة الحاضرة والاعبين والجهاز الفنى واعضاء النادى وفى مقدمة الاعبين كابتن الفريق الاسطورة اكرامى والجوكر حمادة لبش والساحر بسام السنى ووزير الدفاع رافت عبد الواحد وثعلب الوسط هيثم عبد الواحد ولا ننسى دور الفنان خالد علولى والكبير الس
ويسى وكل الاعبين ولا ننسى الداهية الكابتن احمد الدمرداش وجوزيه النوبة الكبير علا الله ومورينيو النوبة اشرف غالى والتالق الكابتن نادر ودائم الابدع ممدوح عباس الكبير جاد

الأحد، 21 أبريل 2013

بدء اجتماعات لجنة صياغة وكتابة تاريخ النوبة بأسوان

أكد الدكتور عبد الحليم نور الدين رئيس اتحاد الأثريين المصريين ورئيس المجلس الأعلى للآثار السابق خلال اجتماعات لجنة إعادة صياغة وكتابة تاريخ النوبة التي تم تشكيلها برئاسته بقرار من محافظ أسوان مصطفي السيد وذلك بقاعة المتحف النوبي بمدينة أسوان علي أن هذا الاجتماع يهدف لإعادة صياغة تراث وحضارة النوبة في مصر عبر العصور بالمناهج الدراسية علي أن أعمال اللجنة تشمل إعادة صياغة تاريخ النوبة على مر العصور منذ ما قبل التاريخ ومروراً بالعصور الرومانية واليونانية والمسيحية والإسلامية.

وقال خلال الاجتماع أنه يضاف لذلك العصر الحديث بداية من عام 1902 الذى يمثل أول هجرة للنوبة عند إنشاء خزان أسوان وحتى عام 1964 ، وبدء هجرة النوبيين عند إنشاء السد العالى من أجل تقديم كتابة تاريخية محدثة للتاريخ النوبي وتقديمها لإدارة المناهج التعليمية بوزارة التربية والتعليم مشدداً على أن الهدف من إعادة صياغة التاريخ هو الحفاظ على النوبة كتاريخ وتراث حضاري وجزء أصيل من التاريخ والحضارة المصرية الحديثة.

وأشار عبد الحليم نور الدين إلي أن اللجنة تضم كوكبة من العلماء والأثريين المتخصصين فى تاريخ النوبة بمصر من بينهم الدكتور عمر صابر الأستاذ بكلية الآداب بجامعة القاهرة ، والدكتور أحمد سوكارنو عميد كلية آداب أسوان ، والدكتور أسامة عبد الوارث عضو المجلس الدولي للمتاحف وخبير اليونسكو.

ولفت أن البيان الأول الصادر من اللجنة ينص على أن النوبة بوابة مصر الجنوبية وحلقة الوصل بين مصر وأفريقيا ،وأن النوبيين فصيل من فصائل الشعب المصرى له سماته الثقافية والأنثربولوجية المتميزة ،وتابع بأن اللجنة شكلت رغبة فى معالجة الآثار السلبية المتصلة بإغفال دور التاريخ والحضارة النوبية.

وأضاف أن لجنة إعادة تاريخ النوبة ستوضح للأجيال القادمة من خلال المناهج الدراسية ابتداء من المرحلة الابتدائية إلى التعليم الجامعى المعلومات الصحيحة حول التاريخ النوبي.

وفي سياق متصل أوضح الدكتور عمر صابر بأن اللجنة التقت بالقيادات النوبية للمناقشة حول المادة الدراسية التى ستضاف على المناهج الدراسية لشرحها فى جميع المراحل التعليمية ابتداء من المرحلة الابتدائية إلى الجامعة حول التاريخ النوبي.

الحضارة النوبية ترجع الى 17000 سنة اقدم حضارة افريقية و النوبيون اول من اوجدوا الحضارة فى العالم و التى تعتبر اقدم من الحضارة المصرية
البروفيسور فان سرتيما Van Sertima استاذ الحضارات الافريقية و التاريخ بجامعة روتجرز الامريكية
The History of Nubian civilization extends back to abouit 17,000 years (See Van Sertima: Egypt Revisited)
The Nubians created the world's first civilization and that civilization was much older than Egypt. In fact, 

الأحد، 14 أبريل 2013

. Nubia to the problems and tribulations associated with the displacement of over the years

In the early twentieth century, Nubia was made up of 39 villages along the 350 km south of Aswan up to latitude 22 (Wadi Halfa) on the banks of the Nile, east and west.
Nubian villages consist of spaced sets of open housing on the Nile River, and spread those housing in hunger totaling 535 نجعا (Reference 4, p 42).
And characterized the housing Nubia from other housing to other regions in many ways the most important relate to choose places to build on the levels of the earth nature rocky, as ranging land to fall from east and west towards the Nile, it was natural to find rooms one house on the breadth of space held them vary in heights to allow the existence of air currents, and has a high wall up to four meters, and due to the nature of the warm, dry climate Nubian architecture harmonized with the environment and characterize this basic unit construction is Heavenly yard which opens in the House chambers.

Create Aswan Reservoir (1902):
When the construction of the Aswan Reservoir in 1902 increased the water level behind the reservoir to 106 meters to drown houses and agricultural land and cab drivers and plants and palm trees ten villages Nubian are: Dabod and Dhmat and Ombrkap and Kalabsha and Abohor and Marwao and Qrhh and Kstmna east and west cliff Hussein and Deka, (reference 4:00 23). And those ten villages faced the effects of building the tank alone without formally to gain attention or the media at the time.

The first ramp of the reservoir (1912 m):
Not yet healed wounds Nuba impact of the construction of the reservoir, if disaster ramp first tank causing a flood again in 1912, raising the water level of the reservoir to 114 meters and cause flooding eight villages Nubian another Korth and relational and tourism and the Holocaust, and the strait and السبوع and the Valley of the Arabs and Hatrömh. Once again underestimated the state pains Nubians and Ccarttém, and did not do justice to one of these Nubians victims as if they were outside the scope of citizenship, and did not address the media Ccartthm and what happened to them, even politicians and various parties at the time did not pay attention to those disasters that solves Balnobien southern Egypt.

The second ramp in 1932:
Nubians who have lost all their possessions from the wreckage of the world and have become afflicted in word and deed, surprised the ramp second tank in 1932, plunging the waters is the other ten villages Nubian is Maliki and Krosco and Alrivh and Ibouhndil and Diwan and Durr and Thomas and the well-being of his time and Ibrim and the island of Ibrim, while damaged the rest of the villages Nubian eleven other a acinus, Musmus and El Geneina, nets and Toshka, East and West. Then rose moan complaints Nubians. After more than eighteen years of building the tank ...
The terms unfair and Nkti of the Expropriation Act procedures

A State Law No. 6 of 1933 on expropriation of the people of the Nuba and estimate the necessary compensation to cope with disasters years 1902 and 1912 and 1932, however, the law ceremony of the terms unfairly against the Nubians, including what has been observed in a memorandum Arab club Oqaili of compensation for victims of the Aswan Dam which sent to the Senate on February 16, 1363 February 12, 1944 AD
Before the show for yourselves the basis for the Assessment of Compensation, we feel it has to be said Law No. 6 of 1933, which resorted to release the government of that era bypassing normal procedures organized by the Expropriation Act year, and therefore need the same members. Has been shown by His Excellency Shafiq Pasha, Minister of works that era when you view the law of the Senate hearing on February 29 in 1933 when he said Maale "spent Egypt millions to create Aswan Reservoir and تعليته all yourselves raring to increase the water and our hopes now is how to store them if we waited five years until expropriation proceedings are normal road denied permission Egypt materially deprived of water without justification.
Vatbana ordinary law in the expropriation proceedings is to deprive Egypt of water along this time .. If the Act enabled us to put a hand in the case on arable land, it can not not spend nor the experts and stakeholders to know the ground after landmarks submerged in November. "
Replied the Sheikh angered justify the minister to this law, saying, "Where have you been for three years when decided the ramp? Did not work this before Will apply heaven on earth if for us to dictate the tank to the level of new another year has passed us thirty years on this case?"

Arbitrariness in the application of the law

The law in question spent expropriation of the affected areas "Nubian" as a whole and did not leave to those affected an opportunity for the opposition in the Assessment of Compensation E. imposed by the government arbitrarily only for 15 days is a short period could not only many of which are hidden on the amount of compensation that as well as ignorance of the majority of the people in ways that the opposition in appreciation so that many of them did not know the way the legal opposition regularly but only after it's too (Reference 5, p 27).

Paralleled by a series of grievances Nubians with meager compensation neither sing nor Tasman from hunger. To show scandal that compensation read what was written by Professor Muhammad Murad in 1947 AD (delivered late Professor Abdel-Sadek Abdel-Hamid a statement in the House of Representatives during consideration of the budget of the Ministry of Works in 1936 demonstrated where that compensation with a lot of indulgence and excess should have been an estimated $ 3600000 Three million six hundred thousand pounds, while the government's ability million and seven hundred thousand and then deducted which about half a million ways hellish remains of this amount, the rest of the edema government today and that due to employees who want to stroll each year in Nubia faces Budaiya in the winter with the enjoyment of allowances travel). (Reference 5, p 25).
To show how trivializes staff Balnobien not regard them as citizens like them, continue to transfer what was written by Professor Muhammad Murad, when decided, Minister of Works in 1944, the distribution of 406 acres on some distressed Nubians in hand Qurna Baarat objected to the staff and wrote a note saying where (that these clays finest of clays country Nubia and that compensation should be similar)
(Reference 5, p 23).
This is a technique of government employees, young and old towards the Nubians who sacrificed their in For pan Egypt, not responsible estimated them that these people were driven from their homes and their homelands and they are in a miserable state.
These grievances have been ignored by the votes were then calling for independence, freedom and equality for Egypt, which has increased the bitterness and sense بالهوان the Nubians. With total disregard of Qublalmtalib the Nubian in Parliament
Against that ordeal, Nubians moved to the foothills of the mountains to build houses for them along the Nile River, Fastnzvt those new housing more than it took him silly compensation for their land and their homes of origin, which sank. In under Mustafa copper government in 1936
The first requirement for Nubians carried Vice Nubia in Parliament: Abdul Sadiq Abdul Majeed after the elections, are reconsidering the compensation that has been spent for the people and the granting of Nuba lands suitable for agriculture north of Aswan, south of Qena instead of land that أغرقها reservoir water; It is worth mentioning that Mustafa Nahas said when delivering a speech from the throne in the parliamentary session (and governments will work on the establishment of irrigation projects in Nubia compensation for lost ground and provide all the services for its people).
As a result, a sense of Nubians complexity their problem and the importance of their region and vitality to the security of the Nile Valley Strategic and especially to Egypt and the need for stability; provide MPs Alnobian in parliament in 1947: Suleiman wondrous and Shaheen Hamza project proposal linking Railway Egypt and Sudan at a cost of 4 million pounds, and did not take the government this proposal bearing seriously; Thus Sudan was separated from Egypt as it is known later.
Nubian environment changed as a result of the successive increases in the level of the river turned to the environment, the spread of diseases and epidemics such as typhoid fever, diphtheria and malaria and schistosomiasis, and a lot of Nubians perished as a result of malnutrition and lack of health service, (Reference 1, p 27).

Bureaucratic injustice in 1960:
The fourth time, I began to promise a flood again, At the beginning of 1953, the state began conducting studies on High Dam project from all aspects of engineering, social and economic, in the context of these studies conducted by the Ministry of Social Affairs population surveys and social of the Nubians in 1960 is clear, including the following:
• Total census Nubians 98 609 inhabitants (ninety-eight thousand, six hundred and nine)
• residents of whom 48 028 (forty eight thousand and twenty-eight)
• and expatriates in the pursuit of providing a living 50 581 inhabitants (fifty thousand five hundred and eighty-one)
• The number of households of heart, reaching 16861 people (sixteen thousand eight hundred and sixty-one)
• 8467 people expatriate families (eight thousand four hundred and sixty-seven) (Reference 4, p 21).

Study of the future of the region
Then formed committees to cope with the side effects of the High Dam project, the study of the future of the region nine بقراها and thirty and one hundred thousand population and possess agricultural land, houses and livestock and a future derived كينونتها the life of thousands of years history. Country مترعة Nubian heritage track many of the civilizations that the region has experienced since the Stone Age and even now, as previously explained.
Extrapolating the previous statistics it is clear that the Nubian percentage of households that live far away from their home as a result of the impoverishment of the region of the impact of building the tank and Talite amounted to 5.33% fully migrated and 5.28% of families migrated some of its members. It also highlights the statistics of the Ministry of Social Affairs that the proportion of the population with Nubians occupations accounted for 23% of the total Nuba census, while we find that the rate of 7.26% of the professions generally in Egypt at that time,

Percentage distribution of Nubians

The distribution Nubians proportion of male and female occupations as follows:

9.8 Services 5 4.6-makers to move - 71 quarries Agriculture written and administrative 3.3 3.1 Trade 3.2% males scientific careers
2.1 Services 1.4-makers - transfer - 96 quarries Agriculture - administrative and clerical - Trading - female scientific careers%
7 Services 3.6 2.9 makers transfer - Quarries 80.3 Agriculture 2.1 administrative and clerical 2 2 trade census scientific careers Egypt

It is clear from the above table that the percentage of workers in agriculture Nubians higher than the ratios at the level of the Republic. It is strange that the proportion of immigrants Nubians from their villages engaged in agriculture did not exceed 1% of the total Nubians workers in agriculture. (Reference 4, p 55). This observation refutes a lot of allegations promoted by biased people in the past and the present of the Nubians did not يشتغلوا agriculture. These statistics showed that the Nubians originally peasants, and the loss of the farming profession caused by the sinking of their land and the officials failed to manage the process of displacement and lack of thinking in the preparation of the Nubians to their new environment.

And يداري Staff failure, invented the lie which روجوها that Nubians is unsuccessful in farmers cultivate their land that تسلموها in displacement. Duds are, and the liars they are.

Displacement shock 63/1964:

Continued state implementation of High Dam project, and started an international campaign to save the monuments of Nubia, the Nubians as human beings and citizens, who are coexist with these effects came luck العاثر in the tail of the concerns of the state and the international community, and was deported to hurry to the plateau of Kom Ombo and Esna, to an area not River nor legacy and heritage. Stayed with them what pregnancy and consciousness of love for the homeland they lost under the waters of the High Dam. Nubians were deported without any studies to take into account their humanity and their history and their struggle and sacrifices for the sake of the homeland.

So were deported randomly according to a timetable Stenographer fast, a desire to evacuate Nubia before May 15, 1964 date of the diversion of the Nile, leaving most of the Nubians a lot of their belongings in the home abandoned and crammed in the desert of Kom Ombo and Esna in houses bucked the housing ألفوها Unlike the dwelling of the Model promised and are witnesses before the displacement process. In addition to the non-existence of safe drinking water, no electricity, with the impossibility of raising livestock and birds, which represent the most important elements of life and income for citizens Nubian farms; and therefore can not transfer these animals with them to the Diaspora new; while fellow Nubians Sudanese and their cousins ​​actually not a word during their migration to discounting Girba (new Mahjarham) The Sudanese government has allocated each companion to train cohorts of immigrants veterinarians to take care of farm animals.

Problems and tribulations associated with the displacement

Repeated tragedy of the most terrifying than what happened a quarter of a century with بلاءات Aswan Reservoir, there is no new housing completed and agricultural land was completed reclamation has not delivered for the Nubians only after four to five years, and wounded children بنزلات intestinal and lost a lot of them their lives, and the Senate were depressed as a result different climate and the difficulty of suitability of the area for the style and pattern of living Nubian died, including many

Excuse worse than guilt

The argument of the employees and the government, which tried to pop-up fact-finding committee of the National Assembly in the minutes of the January 5, 1970, Annex 6, the magnitude of the project's why all the flaws with the time factor and time constraints. The same argument that is uglier than sin, which ادعاها and Minister of Public Works of the Senate hearing on February 29, 1933, ie, before them, and thirty-seven years is complete. And is still continuing unacceptable justifications and still underestimated Balnobien the list.
Says Ibrahim Abdul Rasul (Reference No. 1 p.39) (Social Affairs acted the amount of three pounds pension monthly family Nubian displaced, this amount is not enough to feed what the family of goats and sheep, as the price of a bundle clover at the time ten piasters).
Conditions concluded with the State
Nubians embraced immigration to Kom Ombo and Esna according the terms أبرموها with state summed up in the farmland of heart against diaspora agricultural land and homes in the Nuba against the dwelling diaspora, in accordance with what they saw and Ainoh by immigration in Aswan analgesic typical. Based on that legal basis read Nubians all decisions and laws that accompanied the process of displacement, particularly the decision of the President of the Republic Decree Law No. 67 of 1962 on the expropriation of land, which flooded the High Dam, as well as the ministerial decree issued by the Social Affairs No. 106 on 24/9 / 1962 on the rules of compensation and ownership of housing the people of the Nuba. But the execution was disappointing for the Nubians who thought that the state treat them the treatment of small-scale farmers or young graduates or even the landless who have been compensated in the Directorate of liberation and Nubaria, and they did not have a legacy and not tons sacrificed as Nubians sacrificed.
Nubians had not received a house and five acres of agricultural and animal to start a new life and a decent, like the Palmadmin who did not sacrifice or suffer as suffered Alnobbion.

The gravity of the injustice that took place on the Nubians

In order to realize the size of inequity and injustice, which occurred on Egyptian Nubians, let's take a quick look compared to what happened to the Sudanese Nubians who were displaced from the villages of Wadi Halfa to the new area of ​​displacement (discounted Girba) to discern the magnitude of the injustice that took place on Egyptian Nubians. See what I did the Sudanese government to displace the Nubians there? In discounting Girba housing 350 square meters in addition to a small garden in front of the tabernacle and of the cattle barn. But in Kom Ombo and Esna (Egypt), the largest housing area of ​​150 square meters with no garden and no cattle barn. Sudanese Nubian gets analgesic Apart from being a resident or non-resident. For newbies Egyptian housing for residents only The expatriate - the government launched this labeled non-content in the village Nubian while limited, because of his quest for glaucoma after being flooded government land - not built them houses to this day, ie, after more than forty years of migration, not The government is implementing what it promised Nubian Egyptian expatriate as it launched. For agricultural land was the Sudanese government compassionate Balnobien where not only base acre versus acre, but added each owner of dwelling, whether the owner of agricultural land or destitute area of ​​15 acres (Hawwahh) and weak area for newbies who owns agricultural land, while in Egypt, the government distributed on Residents so-called بفدان of subsistence and that the real area of ​​14 - 18 carats per household. What is the most ongoing injustice and humiliation on Egyptian Nubians.
Law is contrary to the constitutional rules
Nubians Egyptians believe that the law 67 of 1962 is contrary to the constitutional rules applicable where omitted veto over compensation and this is the right of every citizen in accordance with the laws of the state. The Act stipulated that provides appellant objection to a committee formed from a member of the State Council, in addition to a staff area, which is the same body that estimated the monetary value of the compensation. The Ministerial Decree No. 106 of 1962, which allocated housing in the Nuba new family consisting of a couple and parents, children and grandchildren in one house (Article 12), and this is incompatible with the concept of family in the Egyptian society, where is the family consisting of a couple and children only. Egyptians waiting Nubians in restoring the legal concept for each of the basic law and the resolution former so as not يورثوا the bitterness and Dginthm for generations young Nubian, especially since these generations do not have the ability to patience and prudence in claim against State ignored forty years ago.
Compensation Nubians views
At the beginning of the process of displacement government estimated the amount of compensation payable of Nubians as follows:
Clays 15.957 acres agricultural appreciation (price) 2.155.720 pounds
1,044,380 Palm palm appreciation (price) 1.973.4780 pounds of
Runnels 1.064 legs appreciation (price) 20.920 pounds
35.966 buildings house appreciation (price) 1.886.700 pounds

These amounts are meager were estimated on the prices the years 1902 and 1912 has been disbursed half of its value Ami 63, 1964, without taking into account the differences in prices and inflation, which has become over the years, is it possible to estimate the price of the Palm fifty pounds and sometimes ten piasters, and acres earth forty pounds, and sometimes twenty pounds, and the room Covered in the dwelling were estimated only five pounds. Thus, the order of his hand the power and domination which decisions acquiescence on the citizens of the state of weakness and loss, and says Prof. Ibrahim Abdul Rasul (Reference No. 1:00 97) Palm Rashid three and forty pounds in Egyptian Nubia equal to fifty pounds in the Nuba of Sudan Fbkhmsh ten pounds, note that the qualities Balah Alabrimi in Egypt is the same dates there Alabrimi. Mention Maher intelligent in his book (Reference No. p. 130) the total budget that has been spent in the process of displacement in the following items:
The construction of new housing Nubia 18450000 LE
Compensation to the families of 200,000 pounds
Property Survey costs 462000 LE
Relief aid and 820000 LE
Water transport 300,000 pounds
Land transport 84,000 pounds
Administrative expenses 250,000 pounds
Repair costs 15 thousand acres in Kom Ombo 4.366 million pounds
Total year 24932000 LE
The amount of compensation is less administrative expenses

These figures clearly show the extent of the injustice reality on the Nubians; monetary value of their compensation is less than that necessary administrative expenses spent on evacuation to Kom Ombo and Esna!! But increase and say that Al-Ahram newspaper published in the issue dated on March 13, 1963 to the effect that the displacement is limited to the duration of the fifth of October to the seventh of May 1964 with the statements of new that compensate the people of the Nuba about the sinking of their country under the High Dam Lake amounting to 6.5 million pounds will be spent to the number 16861 family of parents, and describes the Gazette exchange items as follows: 25 thousand dwelling estimated price of $ 1.9 million LE; and 15 thousand acres of agricultural land price 2.2 million pounds; and 1000 legs and well drinking water price 20 thousand pounds; and a million palm price 2 million LE. This is what I wrote Al-Ahram. According to these unfair Valmskn the promises its price 75 pounds; acre price 110 pounds; waterwheel and the well is 20 pounds; Palm it 2 pounds. Where is justice in the those unjust Value? Is the Egyptian government dealt sequencing, you dealt with the Nubians that they actually Egyptian citizens?
Based on the previously obligatory upon the state to reopen the case file unjust compensation disbursed to the Nubians as a result of the evacuation, which have suffered 63 and 1964. The duty of the State and the right of us O Nubians will not give him.

The problem of housing and population:

Accommodation features the original home of the Nubian maintaining social customs and traditions treasured by Nubians is the most important social solidarity. And architecture Nubian, which summed up the philosophy of Sheikh architects architect Hassan Fathy as "a system of life and not harboring" فالبيوت overlooking the great river, and فناؤها exposed to the sky and fitted Bhzirh independent livestock and birds, and housing built on an area of ​​350-500 square meters of ore environment.
The diaspora has built housing adjacent narrow and crammed them Alnobieon, also included villages families is Nubian, which abolished the privacy Nubian style social integration and security توارثوه generation after generation in the Nuba origin, in addition to non-completion of the necessary facilities and lack of soil treatment invalid upon which this housing, making it vulnerable to cascading failures, which carry with him Nubians extravagant expenses are much higher than they have received from previous compensation, to make those dwellings unfit for human residence, (Reference 4, p 16). This is the same as what happened when construction of the reservoir in 1902 then تعليته the 1912 and تعليته the second in 1932, each time Nubians are forced to build their homes or Armmoha spend more money than they took in compensation from successive governments.
To demonstrate the size of the population in the Nuba region of origin before and after displacement, we review the census statistics in the last hundred years to clear the magnitude of the problem of population and housing suffered by Nubia at the moment

In the year 1882 census was the Nubians residents diaspora 45 708
In the year 1907 census was the Nubians residents diaspora 618 398, up 3.5%
In the year 1927 census was the Nubians residents diaspora 58 028 decrease amounted to (- 0.6%)
In the year 1947 census was the Nubians residents diaspora 45 169 decrease amounted to (- 2.2%)
In the 1960 census was the Nubians residents diaspora 44108 decrease amounted to (- 2.3%)
In the year 1980 (as) Nubians census residents diaspora 154 033 decrease of (- 11.3%)
In 2000 (as) Nubians census residents diaspora 143 938 decrease (- 5.3%)
Estimated figures in the year 1980/2000
Deterioration companion to Taliat tank

Note that the size of the population in Nubia deterioration in years ramps repeated Aswan Reservoir to the point of lack of population increase and even shortages in the years of adversity. When you make an inventory of the number of dwellings in the region in 1962 by the displacement numbered according to government estimates about 24 thousand homes, and the government decided then to build the first phase 15.589 dwellings by 65% ​​of the required number and was postponed construction of 8411 housing units in the next stage called the housing expatriates , a designation crying funny as it was seen by A / Abdul Rahim Idris Member of Parliament at that time, you ABCs of Social Work to be called the Born Menofia owns his family dwellings Menoufia then go to Cairo to work or otherwise, that the so-called expatriate for Almonofiyah!! !

Aswan Governorate began to receive requests for citizens from Nubians Amoterbaan the eligible under the number 5221 dwellings in compensation for the people of the Nuba at a total cost of 200 million pounds

Egypt witnessed during the past few years, a state of political and social movement against the background of long years of oppression and tyranny experienced by the Egyptian masses under Mubarak's rule. This situation reflected in the high voices all المضهدين and oppressed to reject the policies of exploitation and tyranny, not only voices change on pro-democracy and the fall of the dictatorship, but we heard the voices of all groups and segments and layers announces its refusal to submit to such policies. فسمعنا cries of workers thundering that fired them in إضراباتهم and protests different, and we heard voices engineers, teachers, doctors refusing to policies of impoverishment, and we heard voices Copts are demanding to stop discriminatory policies, and also heard sound coming from the south long suffered from poverty, marginalization and discrimination, that he had voted the people of the Nuba.
Although the issue of Nubia as old as the modern Egyptian state, but her voice - like other voices of the oppressed - it was buried under the whips of oppression and tyranny of the various systems and most recently the Mubarak regime. And, like other oppressed also saw sunlight sneaking from the wall of dictatorship Rift rose their voices to demand their rights usurped over the decades.
I have been associated with the lives of the people of the Nuba throughout history to live on the banks of the Nile River in southern Egypt and northern Sudan, and there are crystallized lifestyle full human group culturally and linguistically distinct and socially as a result of objective conditions of life imposed on the banks of the river in this region.
To the extent that contributed to the geographical location of Nubians in the development of this style of life, as it was a disaster for them as a result desire capital of Egypt and its state in bringing about development, including that means from the need to adjust the River Nile main supplier of water in Egypt, which required the construction of dams in the south to exploit the greatest of water, most of which was lost in the Mediterranean when the flood. The Aswan Dam was the first of these major projects to control the waters of the river, was the tank ramp several times, until the largest project is the High Dam. With each project was Nubians are paying a heavy price, the displacement and the displacement and the destruction of their lives, because the water that was withheld reservoir, which grows with every ramp and then the water impounded by Lake Nasser in front of the High Dam was flooded lands Nubians and their homes فيضطرون of migration in poor conditions without shelter or compensation suitable for their property. Nubians and wait - like all of Egypt's poor - to return them something development not only to find further impoverishment.
Nubians .. Impoverishment development! The first stages of the distractions faced by the Nubians, in the modern era, during the nineteenth century after the imposition of the demarcation of the border between Egypt and Sudan are not forced into account human populations and privacy. Was issued in 1841 Farman Caliph Ottoman demarcation of the southern border of Egypt, followed by a decision of the Minister of Interior to amend the borders of Egypt and Sudan, according to the bilateral agreement between Egypt and the British occupation in 1899, where he was separated ten villages Nubian belonging to the center Halfa province of Nubia, a village south of latitude 22 fall within the borders of Sudan. As part actually inside the Egyptian border has spilled over from the village waterfall Adndan as far south as the north has reached the then population of 34 942 thousand people, and is driven 17,142 thousand acres, was also change the name of the province of Nubia, which was known Directorate of the border to the Directorate of Aswan. Thus separated the administrative boundaries set by colonialism between the Nuba then to face difficulties in communicating with each other.

Nevertheless, the real ordeal began Nuba with the beginning of the thinking of the Egyptian state in controlling the river more to take advantage of the flood water wasted time can even expansion in the cultivation of new land and a shift from الحياض irrigation system to the Permanent Irrigation. Was thinking in the construction of a dam in the south at Aswan. Indeed, the Aswan Dam was built north of the village of Waterfall Nubian in 1902 for being held behind a surplus of water was attributed to 106 meters, causing flooding Nuba lands including from houses, crops and cab drivers and palm trees in ten is the Nubian villages. While the construction are conducted committees formed to estimate the Nubians compensation for their property, where such compensation were classified into two parts. The first includes the land flooded by the reservoir and recede with him after opening it is cultivated, and in this case the government will pay the price of palm and housing. The second section of the compensation Findrj the land beneath flooded throughout the year do not benefit from them, and in this section is committed to the government to pay the price of land and housing and palm trees. And this compensation was estimated at 80 thousand pounds, a meager amount, which was rejected by the Nubians. However, the government did not heed to the demands of the Nubians were high writ of expropriation for the public benefit in the first July 1902.
Then came the first ramp of the reservoir in 1912, raising the water level to 114 meters and sink eight other Nubian villages. In 1933 he was the second ramp of the reservoir water level up to 121 meters to sink for the third time, ten other Nubian villages, while the rest of the Nubian villages were damaged eleven other and extending from the reservoir to the Egyptian-Sudanese border.
And فىعام 1932 and during the second ramp of the Aswan Dam, the government at that time found that there is a need to legalize the status of Nubians Almtdharrien the result of seizures of the river. Was Law No. 6 of 1933 on expropriation of people of the Nuba and estimate the necessary compensation to cope with disasters years 1902 and 1912 and 1932, in spite of the existence of a law that regulates the process of expropriation of real estate in general is Law No. 27 of 1906 and No. 5 of 1907. Perhaps the government wants a special law of heart in order to avoid cost large compensation to be paid to the Nubians by disarming their properties, which appears clearly in the amounts of compensation meager obtained by Nubians at the time, where the total amount of compensation which is monitored by the government million and seven hundred thousand pounds off her after that half a million pounds, while one estimate indicates that the minimum compensation at that time, at least three million six hundred thousand pounds.
With the movement of July and thinking of the Free Officers in building a strong country free from colonialism and self-sufficient through comprehensive development, it was incumbent on the state to considering further adjust the river to make the most of fresh water to be used in increasing the area of ​​agricultural land reclaimed on the banks of the river. Was the idea of ​​building a huge dam at Aswan doing the job and becomes a source of electrical energy. Although the High Dam, the body of a dream and nationally in the fight against colonialism and achieve comprehensive development in Egypt, but he again came disaster for the people of Nubia. The dam has caused the largest displacement and displacing them in the modern era, after the waters of Lake dam flooded their villages, their homes and their land.
It is surprising here is that the state issued in 1962, Law No. 67 for the same public and private expropriation of land seizure, which ستغمرها waters of the High Dam, also issued Resolution No. 106 of 1964 on compensation and ownership and housing people of the Nuba, despite the existence of previous laws governing the expropriation of real estate .
The reason behind this is what she saw the state at the time that the laws governing the expropriation process will hinder the completion of the displacement process if followed the procedures set forth in those laws. These laws give the right of those affected by the expropriation and the associated compensation resorting to natural judge to adjudicate on the case, while making new law this right in the hands of a management committee composed of Judge choose the Ministry of Justice and representatives of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Works, and a representative of the governorate of Aswan. And the state mandate of this committee to decide on complaints arising from the expropriation may be a self-proclaimed opponent and sentenced at the same time. Seemed evident in the procedures stipulated by law in the case of expropriation complaint, which is considered in its entirety incapacitating procedures, which resulted in a lot of wasted human Nubians affected of displacement currency.
In this context, compensation Nubians were estimated at 6,036,818 pounds, of which 1,973,478 pounds to 1,044,380 Palm with an estimated price per Ankh b 1.89 a penny, as compensation for housing estimated at 1,886,700 pounds for a number 35.966 dwelling, which means that the price per dwelling was estimated at 52.458 pounds, and for agricultural land, which at that time amounted 15.957 acres her compensation was valued at 2,155,720 pounds, of which 135.1 pounds, while the streams and wells, which the counting her son was then 1.064, valued at 20.920 pounds. The canals and wells, which the counting her son was then 1.064, valued at 20.920 pounds. In spite of this wasting of compensation compared to the size of the suffering incurred by the Nubians as a result of deportation, they have not been fully implemented. Has spent only half of the compensation and value of 3.458 million pounds. Since the start of displacement in 10/18/1963 in the village of Dabur and even end in the village of Abu Handal were not all alternative housing allocated to the Nubians have been completed. Where it was 15 107 thousand housing by 15,030 thousand family home, while the rest of the residents living in camps or when their loved ones who received housing until the rest of the houses have been completed and 918 home number. The homes of expatriates and the number 8467 house has to start its inception in 1976 after 12 years of displacement, added to 636 home under the pretext of concessions to bring the total to 9103. According to the report of the Committee on Housing and Public Utilities and Construction after the field visit carried out in March 1998, the total of what has been built this house 2829 house, becoming the remaining 6274 home has not been completed yet.
How back rights Nubians? To answer this question we must first answer to another question, usurped the rights of the Nubians? In other words, who is the real enemy of the Nubians? Is the rule of northerners Different linguistically and culturally and in color, and who look to the people of the Nuba look inferiority, as some are trying to export it? Or are the enemies of civilization as alleged attempts to Nubian others portray issue? All of these perceptions, in our view, not merely a disease produced by the real enemy that caused the marginalization of the Nubians. As we have seen, the issue of the Nuba stretches for nearly a century, during which successive regimes different Nubians won them share a multitude of displacement, displacement and impoverishment. But the important observation here is that the policies of all these systems were an expression of the aspirations of the capitalist classes ruling in bringing about further development, not in order to meet the needs of humans and the provision of welfare for them, but to achieve more than the accumulation of capital and profits, even if it was at the expense of the lives of millions of poor people . It is the first beneficiary of convert Ri الحياض into a permanent irrigation after the construction of the Aswan Dam, Did not the older landowners who enslaved the poor peasants in and Saaahm? Even after the July movement, and despite all the gains achieved by the agrarian reform for peasants, and all the aspirations of industrialization and development of independent, you have improved the conditions of the Nubians? Is it better, the situation of the poor peasants, or surplus has been removed to the state treasury development of military and bureaucratic layer created by the movement of the army? Today, under the neo-liberal policies and development alleged that being part of it on the banks of the river there are in the areas of the Nuba old building villages and tourist resorts generate millions of profits, you returned those development something on Egypt's poor, including the Nubians, or that the profits accumulate بالمليارت in the accounts of the capitalists adults?
If Valmstrk primary among all the systems that have suffered Nubians under حكمهما they are all systems of class work for the benefit of capital and create development that provide them with more of the profits, and not those of development that provides the needs of humans and the well-being of the kind of development that which can Nubians and others see it clearly. In fact, the development of capitalism did not reflected بالإفقار and oppression and persecution at the Nubians only, but on all the poor of the various categories and classes of society. These policies capitalism is displaced thousands of workers early retirement privatization and and undid thousands of others by placing them at the mercy of investment in slavery-like working conditions. These policies are also displaced thousands of peasants were expelled from their lands by law 92 for the year 1992, and dozens of them killed in fighting with security to deliver ground for new إقطاعيين. This system is also one of dozens of people have been displaced Castle ram Sayeda Zeinab district demolished Ashchehem over their heads. This system and these are the same policies that ignore the cries of the people of the Nuba claim their rights to a dignified human life lift them out of the quagmire of poverty, unemployment, lack of services and discrimination.
This is the real enemy of the Nubians and all the poor and oppressed in Egypt, it is the ruling class and its policies. Therefore, so as not to deviate Nubians in the struggle to claim their rights to racial and ethnic mazes, the real struggle is the struggle of all the poor and marginalized to overthrow this regime and its policies and the creation of a new system seeks to develop in humans and not in favor of profits.

And re-open the file of compensation for the meager Nubians before the migration so that it does not commensurate with the size of the sacrifices they have made for Egypt, which has been disbursed to the Nubians by immigration under the Law No. 62 for the year 1967 for not fits in with the enormity
Serious damage to the physical and moral damage to the Nuba بأهالي when displacement in 1963 in their properties (houses - agricultural land - trees
And palm trees and streams), it has the inherent right so that we can claim re-inventory of homes and the people of the Nuba lands again under Law No. 10 of 1990 on the expropriation of real estate, which canceled all regular laws of the work on
At the beginning of the process of displacement government estimated the amount of compensation payable of Nubians as follows:
Clays 15.957 acres agricultural appreciation (price) 2.155.720 pounds
1,044,380 Palm palm appreciation (price) 1.973.4780 pounds of
Runnels 1.064 legs appreciation (price) 20.920 pounds
35.966 buildings house appreciation (price) 1.886.700 pounds
These amounts are meager were estimated on the prices the years 1902 and 1912 has been disbursed half of its value Ami 63, 1964, without taking into account the differences in prices and inflation, which has become over the years, is it possible to estimate the price of the Palm fifty pounds and sometimes ten piasters, and acres earth forty pounds, and sometimes twenty pounds, and the room Covered in the dwelling were estimated only five pounds. Thus, the order of his hand the power and domination which decisions acquiescence on the citizens of the state of weakness and loss, and says Prof. Ibrahim Abdul Rasul (Reference No. 1:00 97) Palm Rashid three and forty pounds in Egyptian Nubia equal to fifty pounds in the Nuba of Sudan Fbkhmsh ten pounds, note that the qualities Balah Alabrimi in Egypt is the same dates there Alabrimi. Mention Maher intelligent in his book (Reference No. p. 130) the total budget that has been spent in the process of displacement in the following items:
The construction of new housing Nubia 18450000 LE
Compensation to the families of 200,000 pounds
Property Survey costs 462000 LE
Relief aid and 820000 LE
Water transport 300,000 pounds
Land transport 84,000 pounds
Administrative expenses 250,000 pounds
Repair costs 15 thousand acres in Kom Ombo 4.366 million pounds
Total year 24932000 LE

النوبة : مأساه بدأها عبد الناصر مضطرا ..و السادات منشغلا ... ومبارك متجاهلا

رئيس النادي النوبي : 1500 طفل نوبي ماتوا نتيجة للتهجير .. صبرنا نفذ من الوعود الكاذبة والنوبيين لم يعدوا سذج
أهالى النوبة : نشعر بالظلم ومطلبنا الوحيد العودة على ضفاف النيل وترك " كوم أمبو
حكومة تلو الأخرى فتتهاوى أنظمة وتؤسس أخرى ورئيس يعقب رئيس ولكن معاناة أهل النوبة من التهجير كما هى لم تتغير فالنوبةعانى أهلها ولا يزالوا يعانون مرارا من الظلم والإضهاد والتهجير والتهميش ورغم أرتباطهم الوثيق ببلدتهم الا أن الحكومة لاتزال لاتكترث لحالهم ومطلبهم الوحيد بالعودة على ضفاف النيل فلا يزال حلم العودة فى طئ النسيان

حيث كانت بداية هجرة أول نوبي مع بناء خزان أسوان عام 1902 الذي ارتفع معه منسوب المياه خلف الخزان ليغرق عشر قري نوبية وتحمل أهالي هذه القري وحدهم آثار بناء الخزان وقاموا بالهجرة طواعية ودون طلب من أحد فانتقلوا إلي قري في البر الغربي وإلي مختلف محافظات الجمهورية, وبعد ذلك حدثت التعلية الأولي للخزان عام1912 وارتفع منسوب المياه وأغرق ثماني قري أخري هي قورته والعلاقي والسيالة والمحرقة والمضيق والسبوع ووادي العرب وشاترمه, وبعد ذلك جاءت التعلية الثانية للخزان عام1933 وأغرقت معها عشر قري أخري وفي الخمسينيات بدأت الدراسات لإقامة السد العالي وتم ترحيل أهالى الى هضبة كوم أمبو خلف السد العالى 1963

ويحدثنا أكثر عن معاناة النوبين المستشار محمد صالح عدلان - رئيس النادي النوبي العام – فى تصريح خاص لشعب مصر حيث يقول بأن عملية التهجير تمت علي مراحل وبدأت 1902 – 1912 وفيها تم تهجير النوبيين مع بناء خزان أسوان , الذي ارتفع معه منسوب المياه خلف الخزان ليغرق عشر قري نوبية وتحمل أهالي هذه القري وحدهم آثار بناء الخزان وقاموا بالهجرة طواعية ودون طلب من أحد فانتقلوا إلي قري في البر الغربي وإلي مختلف محافظات مصر.
وتابع عدلان هجرة تلو هجرة حتى عام 1933 دون أن تكترث الحكومة لوجودهم أو المعاناة التي سيعيشونها, وفي الخمسينيات بدأت الدراسات لإقامة السد العالي وتم ترحيل أهالي النوبة قسراً خلف السد عام 1963 إلي هضبة كوم أمبو ولكن الهجرية الكلية للنوبيين كانت 1964 واصفاً حال النوبيين آنذاك بالهجرة لجهنم الحمراء.
وأكد عدلان أنه نتيجة لهذا التهجير تعرض 1500 طفل نوبي للموت نتيجة لطبيعة الحياة القاسية وتغيير الظروف المناخية .
ورغم تأكيده علي معاناة النوبيين وتعرضهم للأضطهاد إلا إنه أكد بأستحالة الإنفصال مستنكراً منادة البعض بالإنفصال قائلا " النوبة أصل مصر ولا يمكن لإنسان أن يترك أصله مهما عانى منه .
ورفض عدلان القول بأن النوبين مستبعدون من تولي مناصب قيادية بالدولة مؤكدا أن النوبي هو من يفرض نفسه رغم ظروفه ضاربا المثل بالمشير طنطاوي والفنان محمد منير , فاروق جعفر وغيرهم.

وأوضح عدلان أن المشكلات التي نتجت عن عملية التهجير تتمثل في أن البيئة والبيوت لا تتناسب مع ثقافة النوبيين وعاداتهم خاصة أن ثقافة الأسر الممتدة متجذرة وجزء لا يتجزأ من البناء الإنساني الحضاري والإجتماعي إذ الأبناء يحتاجون إلي مساكن جديدة لم يحسب لها أي حساب ؛ فبعد أن كانت تعيش الأسرة في بيت لا تقل مساحته عن ثلاثة الألف متر مربع بخلاف الأرض الواسعة التي كانوا يمتلكونها أصبحت كل أسرة تمتلك بيتا مكونا من حجرة واحدة أو أكثر وفي أحسن الأحوال أربع حجرات علي حسب عدد أفراده ,فضلا عن عدم وجود مراكز طبية , مشير إلي أنه كان من المفترض أن توفر الدولة منذ عام 1964( 5200) بيت لأهل النوبة ولكن لم يتم الحصول عليها حتى الآن لافتا إلي أن عدد النوبيين الآن يتراوح ما بين 4 – 5 مليون .

وأكد عدلان أن النوبين لم يعدوا كما كانوا يمنون أنفسهم بالوعود الزائفة التي يتلقونها من المسؤلون قائلا " صبرنا نفد من الوعد الكاذبة" مشير إلي أنهم قاموا بإنشاء أندية وجمعيات نوبية يطالبون من خلالها بحق النوبين في العودة وغيرها من الحقوق , مدللا علي ذلك بإعتصام 14 سبتمبر 2011 أمام محافظة أسوان مضيفا أن النوبيين يطالبون دائماً بقضيتهم من خلال رفع قضايا بمجلس الدولة وأضاف قائلا" لم يعد النوبيين سذج.
وسرد عدلان مطالب النوبيين والتي تتمثل في العودة على ضفاف البحيرة والرجوع لمساكنهم الأصلية التي تم تهجيرهم منها , والرجوع الكامل لـ 44 قرية النوبية. وعن دور الدولة في حل أزمتهم بعد الثورة قال عدلان أنه صدر قرار في 11 /9/2011 من مجلس الوزراء برئاسة عصام شرف , بالعودة إلي ضفاف البحيرة بنفس مسميات القرى وأماكنها الطبيعية ,وإنشاء هيئة التعمير ببحيرة ناصر بكوادر نوبية , والعمل على حل مشاكل متضرري خزان أسوان مؤكدا أنه لم يتم تنفيذ شيئا حتي الأن مختتما كلامه بقوله صبرنا أربعين عام وسننتظر علي أمل أن يأتي الغد بما تشتهي سفينة النوبيين

وعن التهجير تسألت كريمة عثمان " نوبية و موظفة بوزراة المالية " كم نوبي في الجيش المصري , كم نوبي في الشرطة , كم نوبي في المناصب العليا في البلد؟

وهنا ألتقط طرف الحديث عم سليمان محمود – 54 سنة كنا نعيش على ارض النيل فى ظل وفرة من الخير
مؤكدا أن النوبى : " لا يستطيع العيش بعيدا عن النيل , بقوله "نقلونا من الجنة للصحراء من غير لامياه ولازرع , ولكننا بمرور الوقت تعود النوبيين علي المعيشة إستسلاما للأمر الواقع عامة

ويستطرد عم سليمان حديثه بقوله " لا نحمل البغض لابناء بلدنا و لكن نحن عانينا من الظلم من قبل كل الانظمة السياسيه و بالاخص الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر , تحملنا الحياة و سط العقارب في الصحراء وعانينا من النظرة الدونيه من المصريين و تخلينا عن عاداتنا التيي ترتبط بشكل وثيق بنهر االنيل , لقد اشتقنا الي الجلوس علي ضفاف النيل و حرفة الصيد " " .

وتوضح يمني عاشور- بأن إهمال النوبين هو السبب في سفر أغلب رجال النوبة لدول الخليج ومختلف الدول الأوروبية للعمل هناك فهم لم يلاقوا في بلدهم إلا إهمالا وإضطهاد وكأنهم أعداء علي حد تعبير يمني , هذه الغربة هو أكثر مايؤلم يمني فوالدها أحد هؤلاء الذين تغربوا عن بلادهم..

وأن المصريين لم يتحركوا للدفاع عن حقوق النوبيين الضائعة , ووجهت لوم شديد للإعلام الذي تجاهل قضتيهم وإن تحدث عنهم وذكرهم تناولهم في صورة "بوابين" ,

ويذكر دكتور احمد عبد ربه – استاذ علوم سياسيه – ان جذور المشكلة بدات بقرار الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر ببناء السد العالي ثم انشغل السادات في الحرب مع اسرائيل واخيرا كرس المخلوع مبارك جل وقته وجهده لمشروع التوريث ولم تكن النوبه في حساباته اطلاقا " .
والحل من منظوره يكمن في دور الجتمع المدني و الجمعيات الحقوقيه و تعريف بقية ابناء الوطن بمعاناتهم لكسب تعاطف و تاييد شعبي وأكد اننا يجب الا نعول علي الرئيس الحالى اي امال , فعصر دولة الرجل الواحد انتهي و علينا ان نتحرك جميعا و ان كنا وصول رئيس عسكري سيزيد من مشكلات المحافظات الحدوديه سوءا نظرا للمعالجات الامنيه التي تحطمت عليها تطلعات اهالينا في سيناء و النوبه "

وتسأل حسين محمد – 53 سنة –: "اليس نحن مصريين فلتترك لنا الدولة موطنا النوبة مطالبا المسئوليين بإعادة تقييم التعويضات الهزيلة التي صرفت للنوبيين , وهي 50 جنيه للمركب و10قروش للنخلة ,

وكذلك تخصيص الأراضي المستقرة شاطئيا حول بحيرة السد العالي وما حولها دون مقابل للنوبيين الذين كانوا يقيمون فيها قبل بناء السد العالي , وكذلك تحويل منطقة التهجير الحالية إلي منطقة سكنية , وتوفير فرص عمل للشباب النوبي بدلا من الإغتراب في البلاد الأوربية .

واضاف " حمدى سليمان رئيس الاتحاد النوبى بأوربا نحن ننتظر أكثر من قرن من الزمان على أمل استرداد حقنا فى العدوة للنوبة مرة أخرى فبعد ثورة يناير كنا على أمل تغيير الذل والفساد ولكن جاء الدستور ولم يعطنا حقوقنا رغم أننا طالبنا بمادة تكافح التمييز العنصرى وقد طالبنا قبل ذلك بالموطن ولكنهم أزالوا النوبة من على الخريطة وكذلك اخلفوا وعودهم بمنح اهالى النوبة اراضى بديلة

وذكر " أيمن سلامة أستاذ القانون الدولى العام أن جرائم التمييز والاضطهاد تعتبر جريمة دولية فمصر موقعة على العديد من المواثيق الدولية فالنقلالقصرى الذى تم للنوبيين من مناطق لمناطق يقع تحت مسمى الاضطهاد
واوضح اللواء عبد المنعم السعيد رئيس هيئة عمليات القوات المسلحة
أنه من أكبر المؤيدين لعودة أهل النوبة مشيدا بتاريخ النوبة العريق ودور أهلها العظيم فى حرب اكتوبر